Management of Social Contribution Activities

Employees, Local Communities


Message from the Officer in Charge

Hideo Yamane
Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer
The Sumitomo Riko Group aims to become a "Global Excellent Manufacturing Company," that is, a company that contributes to the safety, comfort, and environment of people, society, and the Earth. We will strive to enhance social value and contribute to the creation of an affluent society through our social contribution activities, and further increase our corporate value by promoting the SDGs.
In order to actively promote these social contribution activities on a group-wide, global basis, we are operating the Social Contribution Promotion Project under the CSR & Sustainability Committee. The project, in which each plant manager of Sumitomo Riko and executives of Group companies participate, promote social contribution activities by reviewing and improving each initiative with the aim of contributing to the SDGs and creating a sustainable society.
The Sumitomo Riko Group is always aware that it is a member of the local community and is committed to fulfilling its corporate responsibility through social contribution activities in order to be a company that is trusted by the local community.
We hope that our stakeholders will use this website to gain a better understanding of the Group's social contribution activities and to provide us with frank opinions and suggestions.

Social Contribution Activities Policy

The Sumitomo Riko Group is committed to social contribution activities in order to fulfill its role as a public entity of society and to become a company that people say, "I am glad that the Sumitomo Riko Group exists in this town." The core philosophy of our social contribution activities is to "contribute to the creation of a prosperous society through social contribution activities as a good corporate citizen, always aware that we are a member of the local community," and we have positioned these activities as activities to solve social issues.
We are actively engaged in activities based on the concept of creating social value through proactive efforts to solve social issues that contribute to the development goals of the SDGs, while at the same time contributing to the enhancement of corporate value. Also, we have established priority activity areas ("Contribution to Diversity," "Contribution to Youth Development," "Contribution to Community Development," "Contribution to Citizen Activities," and "Contribution to Coexistence with the Natural Environment") to meet social needs.

Philosophy of Activities

The Sumitomo Riko Group shall always be aware that it is a member of the local community, and as a good corporate citizen, shall contribute to the creation of a prosperous society through its social contribution activities.

Framework for Initiatives

In order to realize the Sumitomo Riko Group Activity Principles, we have established "Objectives," "Goals," "Five Key Activity Areas," and "Two Activity Perspectives."

Social Contribution Promotion System

Based on the established activity philosophy and approach, we established the Social Contribution Committee as one of the six committees under the CSR Committee, which was launched in 2005, and have been systematically implementing various activities after discussions. In fiscal 2021, the Social Contribution Promotion Project was launched under the CSR & Sustainability Committee to provide comprehensive guidance and promotion of the social contribution activities of the entire Sumitomo Riko Group, from policy formulation, monitoring, and strategic planning of activities to their deployment at each base.
At Sumitomo Riko, social contribution activities are broadly divided into "Employee Contributions" and "Company Contributions." There are two types of employee contributions: Human Contributions and Financial Contributions. In terms of human contribution, an organization called "Sumitomo Riko Attaka Club" has been established at Komaki, Fuji Susono, Matsusaka, Saitama Plants, and a group company, Tokai Chemical Industries to support employees' volunteer activities.
As for monetary contributions, the "Sumitomo Riko Attaka Fund" (incorporated as a general foundation in 2014) has been established, where registered employees can donate a maximum of 10 units, starting at 100 yen per unit, through monthly payroll deductions. The company matches this donation with a matching gift of the same amount.
As for the company's contribution, various social contribution programs are studied and formulated by the Social Contribution Promotion Project, and the CSR Promotion Office serves as the secretariat for each program. In addition, the "Attaka Club" and "Attaka Fund" support centers, which support the contributions of employees, are operated at each plant and group company to link the company's contributions with those of its employees.
*From FY2024, we plan to renew our social contribution promotion system, focusing on the "employee contribution" mechanism.


JP Tower Nagoya 1-1-1, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 450-6316, Japan
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Komaki Head

1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-8550, Japan
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