Responding to Water Risks

Shareholders and Investors, Suppliers and Other Trade Partners, Local Communities, Global Environment

Basic Approach

The Sumitomo Riko Group consumes large quantities of water for cleaning and surface treatment of metal parts used in its products, cooling of manufacturing equipment and resin molded products, etc. We recognize that water is an important resource.
Meanwhile, "water risk" is consistently ranked high in the "Global Risk Report" published by the World Economic Forum.
To address this issue, we not only reduce water consumption by improving production processes and recycling wastewater, but also strive to understand the risks in each region in order to continue our business activities.

Efforts to Reduce Water Consumption

When washing products with our cleaning equipment, we strive to save water by adopting a counter-current multi-stage water rinse system. In most cases, water is selected as the refrigerant used to cool equipment that generates heat during operation, such as rubber kneading machines and extruders. In this case, water is used endlessly if it is kept running through the equipment. Therefore, cooling towers and chillers are used to cool and circulate the water that has absorbed heat, leading to significant water conservation.
Water intake and wastewater discharge amount (Sumitomo Riko Group)
*1 The denominator of the intensity is the sales amount (after elimination of internal transactions) in the scope of aggregation.

Understanding and Reducing Water Risks

We have assessed the water risk in the regions where all of our production bases are located, both domestic and overseas, using AQUEDUCT, an international water risk assessment tool, and have conducted a water risk survey through interviews with all of our production-related business bases, both domestic and overseas. The survey to date has not identified any bases with significant risks that need to be addressed immediately.

Based on the results, we are strengthening our efforts to address various water risks such as depletion of water resources, deterioration of water quality, flooding, and tightening of regulations.

Future Issues and Responses

Water risk is an important issue for us, a company with global bases, as each region faces different risks, such as water shortages due to population growth and increased risk of flooding due to global warming.
The Sumitomo Riko Group is promoting water conservation, prevention of leakage, and reuse of wastewater in production processes, as well as creation of new process designs that do not use water.
We will also continue to share information with our global bases to identify future risks and create action plans to reduce water risks.


JP Tower Nagoya 1-1-1, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 450-6316, Japan
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Komaki Head

1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-8550, Japan
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