Message from the President and CEO

Since its establishment in 1929, Sumitomo Riko has steadily expanded its business domain while accurately grasping the direction of the times and market needs, and has introduced products that deliver safety and security to society. We are a member of the "Sumitomo Group," and at the core of our corporate activities is the "The Sumitomo Spirit," which has been passed down for 400 years. In the "Monjuin Shiigaki," which forms the basis of Sumitomo Spirit, the phrase "Banji-nissei" is described, which means that we shall strive to be mindful, careful, and prudent in all matters. And in the "Business Principles", which is the essence of our business activities, states the following principles: "Shinyo-kakujitsu" (Sumitomo's business shall be based on valuing trust and confidence above all else,) and "Fusu-furi" (Respond promptly and accurately to changes in society, always seeking to be consistent with the public interest, and never acting rashly and carelessly in pursuit of temporary, short-term profits.) These spirits are still carried on today as management indicators for each Sumitomo Group company.
In recent years, various social issues have come to light, including the intensification of weather disasters due to climate change, increasing resource and geopolitical risks, and human rights issues, while at the same time the nature of society, people's values, and behavioral patterns continue to change. In these uncertain times, we believe that continuing to embody the spirit of "Banji-nissei", "Shinyo-kakujitsu" and "Fusu-furi" without being bound by past concepts will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and further accelerate our progress as a company that is needed around the world.
In 2029, the Sumitomo Riko Group will celebrate its 100th anniversary. In May 2023, we established our purpose "To realize the comfort of the society by maximizing the potential of materials through Monozukuri," and announced our ideal status "An leading solution provider taking on social challenges by collecting whole resources of Sumitomo Riko and its partners," as our long-term vision "2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision." The three directions for realizing our ideal status are: "Developing people and peers who pioneer the future" to improve employee engagement and co-create partnerships; "Building a flexible and strong organization" to flexibly respond to environmental changes such as climate change and decarbonization; and "Creating value for a sustainable society" to respond to next-generation mobility and expand provision of safety and comfort values. Through these policies that support sustainability management, the entire group will make further efforts to solve social issues. And through long-term oriented management aimed at creating new social values with many colleagues, we aim to grow sustainably with society and become a "Global Excellent Manufacturing Company" that continues to be selected around the world.
We sincerely ask for your continued understanding and support for our group's corporate activities.
In recent years, various social issues have come to light, including the intensification of weather disasters due to climate change, increasing resource and geopolitical risks, and human rights issues, while at the same time the nature of society, people's values, and behavioral patterns continue to change. In these uncertain times, we believe that continuing to embody the spirit of "Banji-nissei", "Shinyo-kakujitsu" and "Fusu-furi" without being bound by past concepts will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and further accelerate our progress as a company that is needed around the world.
In 2029, the Sumitomo Riko Group will celebrate its 100th anniversary. In May 2023, we established our purpose "To realize the comfort of the society by maximizing the potential of materials through Monozukuri," and announced our ideal status "An leading solution provider taking on social challenges by collecting whole resources of Sumitomo Riko and its partners," as our long-term vision "2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision." The three directions for realizing our ideal status are: "Developing people and peers who pioneer the future" to improve employee engagement and co-create partnerships; "Building a flexible and strong organization" to flexibly respond to environmental changes such as climate change and decarbonization; and "Creating value for a sustainable society" to respond to next-generation mobility and expand provision of safety and comfort values. Through these policies that support sustainability management, the entire group will make further efforts to solve social issues. And through long-term oriented management aimed at creating new social values with many colleagues, we aim to grow sustainably with society and become a "Global Excellent Manufacturing Company" that continues to be selected around the world.
We sincerely ask for your continued understanding and support for our group's corporate activities.
Sumitomo Riko Company Limited
Representative Director and President & CEO
Kazushi Shimizu
Representative Director and President & CEO
Kazushi Shimizu