Environmental Communication
Environment (E)
- Long-Term Environmental Vision and Environment 2029V
- Environmental Management
- Responding to Climate Change
- Responding to Water Risks
- Contributing to a Resource-Recycling Society
- Contributing to a Society in Harmony with Nature
- Appropriate Chemical Substance Management
- Environmental Communication
- Environmentally Friendly Products
Shareholders and Investors, Suppliers and Other Trade Partners, Employees, Local Communities
Basic Approach
The Sumitomo Riko Group promotes environmental conservation activities by exchanging and sharing information not only with its employees but also with all stakeholders, including group companies, business partners, local communities, and governments.
Addressing environmental issues such as global warming, air and water pollution, and the loss of biodiversity is not a concern for the Group alone. We also believe it is important to recognize the stakeholders who are affected by the Group's business. For this reason, we place importance on communication with our stakeholders and engage in activities aimed at achieving both a sustainable society and the growth of the Group.
Addressing environmental issues such as global warming, air and water pollution, and the loss of biodiversity is not a concern for the Group alone. We also believe it is important to recognize the stakeholders who are affected by the Group's business. For this reason, we place importance on communication with our stakeholders and engage in activities aimed at achieving both a sustainable society and the growth of the Group.
Environmental Communication within the Sumitomo Riko Group
Environment Month Activities
June 5 is the World Environment Day designated by the United Nations. Sumitomo Riko has designated June as "Environment Month" and holds events to promote environmental conservation efforts.
- Group-wide Environmental Conference
- Commendation of environmental conservation activities
- Environmental lectures by experts and specialists
- Environment-related activities at each plant
- Dissemination of management news related to Environmental Month
- Display of environmental awareness posters
Holding of Group-wide Environmental Conference
Sumitomo Riko holds a group-wide Environmental Conference every year with the participation of all employees, including the president, in order to raise awareness of the environmental commitments made by management and to raise awareness of environmental conservation activities among employees.
Environmental Conservation Case Studies and Awards
To raise employee awareness of and motivation for environmental conservation activities, we have established an internal recruitment and award system for environmental conservation case studies. In FY2023, we received 65 applications from the entire group and 17 outstanding studies were awarded. We have also created a collection of case studies, which are shared within the Group and with external industry groups to promote environmental conservation activities.
Education and Training on Environmental Conservation
Environmental conservation is the foundation of our business activities, and in order to promote proactive initiatives, we explain the importance and necessity of environmental conservation in various in-house education and training programs. As part of our "Human Resource Development Program," which organizes various types of education and training, we are increasing training on environmental conservation and strengthening environmental education.
Related information
Case Study
Environmental Lecture
In FY2023, we invited Mr. Takejiro Sueyoshi, chairperson of WWF Japan, to give an environmental lecture, which was attended by 134 people including board members.
The theme of the lecture was "How to overcome the GX competition that has just begun." Mr. Sueyoshi explained the importance and necessity of tackling this issue as a company.
The theme of the lecture was "How to overcome the GX competition that has just begun." Mr. Sueyoshi explained the importance and necessity of tackling this issue as a company.
Environmental Communication with Group Companies
In order to eliminate environmental risks at group companies in Japan and overseas, the Sumitomo Riko Group regularly visits its bases to share and mutually understand environmental policies and targets, and to check compliance with environmental laws and regulations and the status of environmental conservation management.
In FY2023, we audited 8 bases in China (5 onsite and 3 online) and provided advice for improvement.
In FY2023, we audited 8 bases in China (5 onsite and 3 online) and provided advice for improvement.
Environmental Communication with Local Communities
On February 29, 2024, Smitomo Riko held "the Komaki City Partnership Dialogue on Living in Harmony with Nature" at our Komaki Head Office. The dialogue was to promote collaboration among the city's various sectors involved in symbiosis with nature (companies, government, citizens' groups, universities, etc.) to revitalize its conservation activities.
Related information
Examples of External Awards
Received Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification
Aichi Prefecture has established the "Aichi Biodiversity Company Certification Program" to promote corporate biodiversity conservation efforts and certify companies that are implementing excellent initiatives. We received the certification in recognition of our efforts to conserve environment and restore nature in neighboring areas related to our business activities, including cleaning up the Oyama River adjacent to our Komaki Head Office and Plant (Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture), trying to eradicate invasive alien species of lanceleaf tickseed, and supporting activities of local organizations through subsidies.
Received the Highest Environmental Rating from Development Bank of Japan, Inc.
Sumitomo Riko Co., Ltd. has been ranked the highest in the DBJ Environmentally Rated Loan Program. In order to realize our management vision "2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision (2029V)," we have formulated our environmental target "Environment 2029V" and will contribute to a "decarbonizing society," "resource-recycling society," and "society in harmony with nature," while taking on the challenges of business growth and creation of new value.
Future Issues and Responses
Sumitomo Riko Group's aspirations for 2050 (the realization of a decarbonized society, a resource-recycling society, and a society in harmony with nature) represent the demands of society and the contributions we must make, which makes it important to listen to the voices of our stakeholders.
In addition to our traditional dialogue within the company and with local residents and government, we will communicate with a wide range of stakeholders by disseminating information on our activities on our website and through direct dialogue. We will strive to make use of this information in the environmental activities of the Sumitomo Riko Group.
In addition to our traditional dialogue within the company and with local residents and government, we will communicate with a wide range of stakeholders by disseminating information on our activities on our website and through direct dialogue. We will strive to make use of this information in the environmental activities of the Sumitomo Riko Group.