Sumitomo Riko

Business Policy


Message from the President

 Aiming to become a
“Global Excellent
 Manufacturing Company”
 required worldwide

Since its founding in 1929, Sumitomo Riko has steadily expanded its business fields while grasping the direction of the times and market needs with great accuracy. Doing so, we have delivered high value-added products to the world. In recent years, Sumitomo Riko has established a platform for rapidly supplying products to the world, accelerating this process even further as a company active on a global scale.

At the same time, even as the automotive industry undergoes a major transformation on a once-in-a-century scale, we believe we must never forget our pride as a Japanese manufacturing company that is committed to detailed craftsmanship and high quality. We must further refine “Polymer Materials Technology” and “Comprehensive Evaluation Technology,” our core competencies developed over many years, and respond swiftly to changes in the business environment as we produce products adapted to new eras.

Moving forward, we will continue to evolve as we make strides toward our aspiration of being a “Global Excellent Manufacturing Company” that plays a critical role around the world, while also remaining committed to the Sumitomo Spirit of "Banji-nissei", "Shinyo-kakujitsu" and "Fusu-furi". We ask for your continued understanding and support of our Group’s corporate activities.

Sumitomo Riko Company Limited

Representative Director and President & CEO

Kazushi Shimizu

2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision

Sumitomo Riko Company Limited has formulated its "2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision (2029V)" management business vision up to 2029, the company's 100th anniversary.

2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision

The Sumitomo Spirit

The Sumitomo Spirit has been refined through the generations for 400 years based on the Founder's Precepts "Monjuin Shiigaki," which Masatomo Sumitomo, the founder of the Sumitomo family, wrote and handed on to describe how a merchant should conduct business. The basic points of the Sumitomo Spirit have been passed on in the form of the two articles of the Business Principles as management guidelines of Sumitomo companies.

Business Principles

Article 1.
Sumitomo shall achieve prosperity based on a solid foundation by placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business.
Article 2.
Sumitomo's business interests must always be in harmony with the public interest. Sumitomo shall adapt to good times and bad times but will not pursue immoral business.

*Quoted from the Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Administrative Regulations formulated in 1928


Originating from the preamble of Monjuin Shiigaki, it speaks of the importance of sincerity in all human endeavors:
Do your sincere best, not only in business, but also in every aspect of your life.


The Business Principles Article 1:
Place importance on integrity and sound management.


The Business Principles Article 2:
Do not act rashly or carelessly gains in pursuit of easy gains.

Sumitomo Riko Group Management Philosophy

In light of the Sumitomo Spirit, all of us at the Sumitomo Riko Group will:

Provide superior products and services to meet customer needs based on technological innovation.
Place top priority on safety and work to ensure the safety of people and society.
Strive to protect the global environment and to contribute to creating better communities.
Maintain a high standard of corporate ethics and observe all laws and regulations to earn public trust and confidence worldwide.
Foster an invigorating corporate culture that respects our employees' diversity, personal qualities, and individuality.