Basic Approach to Sustainability Management
Sustainability Management
Shareholders and Investors, Customers, Suppliers and Other Trade Partners, Employees, Local Communities, Global Environment
Steps Toward Value-Creating CSR

The Sumitomo Riko Group aims to be a "Global Excellent Manufacturing Company" that grows sustainably with society and continues to be selected around the world. Our CSR activities are value-creating activities that contribute to the growth of our company and meet the expectations of society. We believe that by promoting value-creating CSR activities, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, and at the same time, we will work toward becoming a "Global Excellent Manufacturing Company".
The Sumitomo Riko Group considers that there are three steps to promote value-creating CSR. Currently, we undertook value-creating CSR management and are deepening CSR activities.
The Sumitomo Riko Group considers that there are three steps to promote value-creating CSR. Currently, we undertook value-creating CSR management and are deepening CSR activities.
Launched Value-Creating CSR management as a step toward achieving Value-Creating CSR

Basic Approach to CSR/Sustainability
Sumitomo Riko Group Corporate Action Charter
In our efforts to realize the Vision of the Sumitomo Riko Group, we position CSR that consistently creates value at the heart of our management, and the Sumitomo Riko Group Corporate Action Charter is the basis of the Group’s CSR activities. Our Corporate Action Charter was established in March 2006 by resolution of the Board of Directors following deliberations by the CSR Committee that was formed in 2005. The Corporate Action Charter was revised in October 2014 and April 2019 to reflect changes in the business environment.
Related information
Basic Policy on CSR and Sustainability
With the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact in mind, we have categorized the aspects of CSR management into the following three perspectives and established them as our Basic CSR and Sustainability Policies. Based on these policies, we aim to "create social value" by addressing and seeking solutions for social issues, such as those represented by the SDGs, improve our corporate value and public value, and grow sustainably within society.
- Human diversity that contributes to the emergence of innovation
(1) Take action that does not harm society and the global environment (minimization of negative impacts)
- Appropriate responses to risk in areas such as human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption(2) Contribute to solving social and global environmental challenges (maximization of positive impacts)
- Businesses and social contribution activities that provide solutions to social challenges- Human diversity that contributes to the emergence of innovation
(3) Improve engagement with stakeholders through communication and raise corporate value with a long-term view
- Information disclosure, dialogue, collaboration