Human Resources Development

Customers, Employees

Basic Approach to Human Resource Development

Our Sumitomo Spirit

The Sumitomo Spirit is the foundation and standard of judgment for all Group employees in all of our business activities.
Our Group places the Sumitomo Spirit at the core of its human resource development, and conducts regular training for all employees, including new hires, using the video "Our Sumitomo Spirit" to ensure that the philosophy is widely understood.

Human Resource Development Policy

Our Group's policy is to "develop self-directed human resources who have high aspirations and are capable of pioneering the future". 
We have established a company-wide education system consisting of four areas: (1) "selective education" for next-generation executive candidates; (2) "global human resource development"; (3) "specialized education for each department"; and (4) "company-wide common cross-divisional education" to provide a variety of learning opportunities.

Sumitomo Riko Company-wide Education System Chart

*1 F-Training : Abbreviation for "Foreman Training," a proprietary training system that has been in place since 1976. It is one of the sources of the manufacturing culture of the Sumitomo Riko Group, in which employees learn problem-solving skills and practical skills for improvement by leaving their workplaces for a certain period of time to work on practical improvement themes.

*2 Re-do Zero Training : To acquire a mindset and problem-solving techniques that emphasize "setup" to improve operational quality and efficiency.

*3 S.E.C.Q. Training: To acquire expertise in S (safety), E (environment), C (compliance), and Q (quality).

Key Activities for FY2023

Next Generation Executive Candidate Program

The "Management School" program for next-generation executive candidates, which has been implemented for the past eight terms and has produced more than 100 graduates, has been renewed and the new "Management School Mirai Create Program" (abbreviated name: Management School MCP) has been kicked off.
The Management School MCP has been working on "management literacy," "leadership," and "big-picture thinking (culture)" for about a year. The program is designed to develop candidates for the "Sumitomo Riko Executive Management Program re-co (abbreviated name: EMP re-co)," a program for management candidates, by providing them with the skills to become candidates for next-generation executives.
In addition, the "Young Human Resources Development Program" was also newly established in FY2023 for the purpose of developing future management school MCP candidates, and selected members learned about management strategy, marketing, and other topics.
MCP Kicks Off

Human Capital Activities KPI (2025P) In the Human Resource Development items Progress (1) "Strengthen Management Education”

Focus Area Indicators Actual Results
(2023-2025 cumulative)
Strengthening management education Number of participants in executive training (EMP re-co/management school MCP/young talent development Program) 31 persons 100 persons

DX Human Resources Development

For the purpose of promoting DX throughout the company, we regularly hold in-house study sessions hosted by the "DX Promotion Project," which is composed of selected employees and voluntary employees. The study sessions, which began in May 2022, have been held 87 times to date, with a total of approximately 8,000 participants. At the study sessions, participants learn about the thinking and knowledge required for DX promotion, share best practices in digital utilization, and discuss the future of the company.
In addition, to raise the level of basic IT knowledge throughout the company, approximately 80 video contents were released to all the group companies as a measure to broaden the base of learning (e.g., basic understanding of DX, introduction to machine learning, AI learning, data science courses, etc.). In addition, 16 videos were made available as support services by the Information System Division for the fusion of manufacturing and IT. This has enabled us to promote initiatives such as support for the introduction of visual inspection systems using image processing, so that basic IT education and DX promotion at the shop floor level will lead to actual improvements at the factories as well.
Through the development of these DX human resources, we will promote activities to achieve our group-wide goals of "200 DX core human resources" and "700 DX data analysis human resources" by FY2025.

Human Capital Activities KPI (2025P) In the Human Resource Development Items Progress (2) "Strengthen DX Human Resources Development"

Focus Area Indicators Actual Results
(2023-2025 cumulative)
DX Human Resources Development DX Core Human Resources Start of training in FY2024 200 persons
DX Data Analytics Human Resources Start of training in FY2024 700 persons

Global Human Resources Development

In addition to the launch of a new online training program for base managers, we have revised our language lessons to eliminate the language barrier, which is one of the major concerns of expatriates. Through counseling by a full-time instructor, participants can now choose from several programs that match their level and concerns. In addition to conventional English conversation lessons, English coaching was implemented to strengthen English language skills in a short period of time before the new assignment, resulting in a significant improvement in TOEIC scores. Those who have been assigned to new posts have also commented that they were able to learn English efficiently and that they would like to continue with the program now that they know how to learn what they need to know.
Also, on a trial basis, managers from overseas offices came to Japan to participate in the SEI University (Global Leadership Development Program: GLP) at Sumitomo Electric Industries, our parent company. In the leadership workshop, the participants learned about the mindset of a global leader and the important roles expected of leaders, and at the final presentation meeting, they reported their specific action plans to senior management together with their teammates. After returning to their overseas offices, they are expected to exercise leadership from a global perspective.

Enhanced training by level

Key Personnel

For key personnel, we created a new education system and promoted the provision of educational opportunities with the aim of developing leaders who can lead the organization while transforming themselves in a rapidly changing business environment. The training program included lectures focusing on mindset. The content was designed to promote understanding of the environment surrounding the company and their role in responding to that environment. The program also sought to improve engagement by providing opportunities for dialogue with top management and discussion among participants.
This new educational program helped participants strongly recognize the need for self-transformation and fostered their awareness that they must continue to learn and grow together with their peers.

Career-track Personnel

For career-track employees, we provide education aimed at improving "communication skills" and "problem-solving skills" based on "logical thinking". By learning how to discover problems and derive solutions, which are newly required after promotion, how to communicate with team members and external stakeholders, and how to think about what a leader should be, the program aims to broaden the scope of work and improve the quality of results.
In addition, for young employees up to their third year with the company, we have introduced content that allows them to autonomously and continuously learn the languages (Japanese and English), IT literacy, and financial knowledge that are essential for businesspeople. Furthermore, we visualize the degree of growth through TOEIC and business assessment tests, and furthermore, we support the acquisition of related qualifications together in the workplace.
In addition, the OJT system, which aims to develop employees into full-fledged professionals within three years of joining the company, introduces learning videos for trainers. We are also expanding education on the part of trainers in the workplace to promote the growth of young employees.

Clerical Personnel

For clerical employees, we have systematized the theme of "carving out a career on your own" to support autonomous career development. The new education system includes not only training for promoted employees but also newly introduced training by age group. In the age-specific training, career training for younger employees was strengthened, and members who joined the company at the same time presented their achievements and goals, sharing a specific vision of what they would like to be. At the presentation meeting, participants renewed their determination to show even greater growth in the coming year.
In FY2023, we also established the "Doubling Opportunities to Learn Plan" and introduced an educational program utilizing large-scale public online courses. As a result, the number of participants doubled from FY2022, up by 66, and 1/3 of all clerical staff took the training. Participants can choose from approximately 80 educational contents, focusing on technical skills such as position-specific and conceptual skills, and can study anytime and anywhere to meet their own needs. Students have commented that they were able to study in their spare time and balance it with their work, and that they appreciated the opportunity to learn about fields in which they are interested and content that is useful for their work. The program not only increased educational opportunities for clerical staff, which had been lacking in the past, but also contributed to improving their engagement in the company.

Technical Personnel

For technical (skilled) employees, with the goal of "providing continuous or detailed educational opportunities for enrolled workers," we provided education on knowledge required at each level and career planning with an eye toward the future.
The training was based on a face-to-face format, providing an opportunity to meet directly with people from other workplaces to create active communication and horizontal connections.
We also focused on training candidates for supervisory positions, which are key personnel at production sites. We have initiated training programs for pre-supervisory group leaders and for candidates for supervisory positions and conducted group-work training to teach the skills required for supervisory positions, such as expectations for the role of workplace leader, mental preparedness, communication skills, and organizational activation. As one of the measures to solve the shortage of qualified personnel, we will continue to enhance this training in cooperation with related departments.
In addition, follow-up training is provided to newly appointed managers on topics such as how to communicate well with subordinates, how to manage organizational policies, and how to solve problems. We have created an environment in which employees can learn regularly from before to after their appointment.

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