Stakeholder Dialogue

Shareholders and Investors, Customers, Suppliers and Other Trade Partners, Employees, Local Communities, Global Environment

Komaki City Partnership Dialogue 2023 for Coexistence with Nature

The Sumitomo Riko Group believes that two-way communication with all stakeholders is important in promoting CSR and sustainability management.
Our Group conducts its business activities using various blessings of nature, including natural rubber, air, water, and minerals. In the “Sumitomo Riko Long-Term Environmental Vision 2050” formulated last year, we recognize that we have a responsibility to pass on these natural blessings and the natural environment to future generations without destroying them through our business activities, and we are committed to contributing to coexistence with nature.
In order to realize this vision, the “Komaki City Partnership Dialogue 2023 for Coexistence with Nature” was held in Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, where the Komaki Head Office and Manufacturing Plant are located, to promote collaboration among various sectors of Komaki City (companies, government, civic groups, universities, etc.) involved in nature symbiosis, and to encourage more vibrant nature symbiosis activities in Komaki City.

[Theme] From Dots to Planes ~Environmental Vision and Friendship Building for the Future

Komaki City has abundant nature such as Mt. Komaki and the Chigo no Mori (Chigo Forest). However, animals and plants designated as specified alien species have been found in the city, and there are concerns about their impact on native species. In order to preserve biodiversity in coexistence with nature, the importance of protecting the natural environment is required, and Komaki City is promoting efforts to conserve and restore nature and the ecosystem.
The theme of this year's event was “From Dots Activities to Planes Activities: Environmental Vision and Friendship Building for the Future,” and participants included the Deputy Mayor of Komaki City, Aichi Prefectural Government, Komaki City Hall, civic groups, and experts from universities. In the dialogue, we shared the efforts of each sector in the nature symbiosis, found a common understanding and direction, and held a dialogue to realize Komaki City's biodiversity efforts for the future in a cooperative framework.


Group photo of all participants
Non-Profit Organization Komaki Citizen's Activity Network 
Representative Director, Toshiki Hatano
Mr. Kenichi Hiraoka, Deputy Mayor, Komaki City
Mr. Toshiyuki Ogawa, Assistant Manager, Natural Environment Division, Aichi Prefectural Government
Mr. Yusuke Fukami, Engineer, Natural Environment Division, Aichi Prefectural Government 
Mr. Tomonari Umemura, Manager, Environmental Measures Division, Komaki City Hall
Ms. Mari Kohri, Associate Professor, Department of Business, Nagoya University of Economics
Mr. Michio Kozawa, Oyama River Clean-up Association
Ms. Yoko Baba, Chigo no Mori Activity Group
Mr. Tamotsu Hashimoto, Chigorin no Satoyama
[Sumitomo Riko]
Representative Director and President & CEO, Kazushi Shimizu
Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer, Shinichi Waku
Komaki Plant Manager, Kenji Anegawa
General Manager of Environmental Promotion Department, Hideaki Tanahashi
General Manager of Corporate Planning Department, Osamu Wakisaka

Participants' Opinions

Effects on biodiversity conservation generated by collaboration among diverse sectors
  • In order for living creatures to survive, forests alone and water alone are not enough. I was relieved to learn that there are people in Komaki City who are involved in environmental preservation of mountains, forests, and rivers.
  • The headwaters of the Oyama River, which flows through the city, are in the Oyama mountain range in the eastern part of the city, so everyone's activities are connected. When forests are cleaned up, they function as “green dams” and reduce flood damage. We would like to promote efforts in cooperation with the government, companies, and organizations.
  • As the term “watershed integration” suggests, everything from the mountains to the sea is connected and influences each other. It is important to address the entire area, not just a part of it, from the perspective of disaster prevention and biodiversity.
  • In the past, there was an opportunity for all citizens to work on environmental issues through the Zero Garbage Campaign. In the future, it would be desirable to create new forms of cooperation with companies and other organizations.

Toward realization in partnerships
  • In response to the issues of aging active members and declining priority for volunteer activities, it would be meaningful to encourage students to participate as part of their coursework. Currently, students are engaged in satoyama maintenance and water quality surveys, but it is possible to consider going a little further and using the organization's activity sites as fields for mowing and tree clearing.
  • The number of employees who want to engage in volunteer activities is increasing. We would like to focus our wisdom on creating a system that allows employees to get involved.
  • Aichi Prefecture has a support system for subsidies for organizations with funds from the Aichi Forest and Greenery Creation Tax.
  • Aichi Prefecture is also engaged in matching companies and organizations. In recent years, more and more companies have expressed a desire to be involved in this project.
  • The program is also meaningful as a place for post-retirement activities. I think many people would participate in volunteer activities if they were informed and introduced to such activities before their retirement.
  • The number of people involved will expand if families bring their children to participate in local activities. Even if the family members participate in the activities for the sake of their children, they may appreciate the activities when their children's parents or guardians see them at the site. We hope that you will encourage your employees to participate with their families.
  • It is important to make these activities a natural part of our daily lives. As a company, there are things we can do to help the organization in terms of publicity. We would like to hear from you.

Facilitator Summary

After the “Komaki City Partnership Dialogue 2023 for Coexistence with Nature” of Sumitomo Riko Group
First of all, I feel that the participants were very impressed by the fact that Sumitomo Riko is engaged in various environmental conservation activities on a global scale. I was impressed to hear about their efforts to maximize corporate value and public value with various initiatives, such as tree planting projects in China, mangrove planting and beach cleaning in Thailand, forest thinning and tree planting projects in Nagano and Mie prefectures in Japan, and the operation of “Mitake no Mori” in Gifu prefecture.
Also, as for the issue of what initiatives are required to preserve wonderful nature, Sumitomo Riko proposed “Biodiversity focusing on the Oyama River” as the “Komaki Model”, which was very well accepted by the participants, including citizens' groups, Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, and Nagoya University of Economics.
As we listened to the activities and achievements of the participating citizens' activities, a common and important issue was the aging of the membership. In response, Nagoya University of Economics suggested that the power of student volunteers could be a solution to this problem.
“A rich Satoyama is the key to a rich ocean.” Making this concept into practice is a specific example of Komaki's environmental efforts. From this perspective, there are many students who are interested in this project, and the university hopes to make it an important theme.
It was also raised that an issue in companies is that opportunities for “social activities by company employees” are decreasing due to the entrenchment of post-retirement employment extension. The question of how to encourage employees who are interested in volunteer activities to participate willingly was also highlighted.
In Komaki City, in addition to the organizations that participated, many other organizations are involved in environmental conservation activities. I have also heard that there are many companies that are making individual efforts for the environment while promoting regional contribution and SDGs management, although from different perspectives. Therefore, I strongly felt that it is very important to revamp the city's environmental citizen council, build a mechanism for companies to get involved, create opportunities for industry-academia-government collaboration, and “share information while working together to disseminate information". I am convinced that such efforts will increase the number of our friends and become a force to realize the [Komaki Model].
In this dialogue, I strongly felt the possibility of connecting the dots to form a line, which will then become a plane. I strongly felt such a possibility. If we continue to take advantage of opportunities such as this one, we will be able to evolve our efforts into a plane! This was such a wonderful achievement.
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the event, and I look forward to the next one. Thank you very much.

March 2024
Non-Profit Organization Komaki Citizen's Activity Network
Representative Director, Toshiki Hatano
In this dialogue, we received many valuable opinions from our stakeholders. From now on, we will continue to listen to the opinions of our stakeholders and hope to build partnerships that will lead to solutions to social issues and the creation of social value, with Sumitomo Riko acting as a bridge connecting the community from a corporate standpoint.

The 9th SDGs Student Essay Award by Sumitomo Riko

Group photo at the round-table conference for the winners (January, 2024)
The "SDGs Student Essay Award by Sumitomo Riko" is a new social contribution program launched in 2015 to commemorate the change of Sumitomo Riko's trade name and to position the program as "a project to support young people who will lead the future." (The name of the program at the time of its establishment was "Sumitomo Riko Student Essay Award.")
The award is intended to provide a forum for students from all over Japan to learn about social issues and to learn about the creation of a sustainable society. It is also for discussing the results of their thinking, and to contribute to the growth of young people by broadening their perspectives.
For FY2023, we invite papers on the theme “What is the HR Strategy for the SDGs/ESG era that will enable companies to grow sustainably?” As for judging, in addition to the Screening Committee Chairman, Yukari Takamura (Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo) and other experts, Sumitomo Riko Group employees also participated in the preliminary screening, with the aim of incorporating young people's thoughts and suggestions into management. Seven winning essays were selected, including the Grand Award, Grand Runner-up, Excellence Award and Judges' Special Award. In January, a round-table discussion was held with the ten students who received the Grand Award, Runner-up Award, and Excellence Award, members of the judging committee and executives of our Company.
At the round-table conference, each winning student gave a presentation on his or her essay, and our company gave a presentation titled “Future Conference Toward 2024,” explaining the vision of the future that Sumitomo Riko hopes to realize, which was formulated with an eye toward society in the years 2024 to 2050. Then, we exchanged opinions on what the world will be like in 2050, what they would like to be like in that world, and whether they can feel empathy with Sumitomo Riko's vision of the future. The participants actively gave us their opinions, including their own aspirations and expectations for Sumitomo Riko. This was a very valuable opportunity to learn what the company should aim for and what social issues the students are interested in through dialogue with the next generation of stakeholders, namely students.
We will continue to implement this award as a program to support young people who will lead the future and promote efforts to build a sustainable society.


JP Tower Nagoya 1-1-1, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 450-6316, Japan
Access map

Komaki Head

1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-8550, Japan
Access map