Environmental Performance Data

Environmental Performance Data (FY2023)

*The quantitative data in this section is assured by a third-party organization.

Material Balance of Sumitomo Riko Group

*1 Scope of energy consumption: Sumitomo Riko, 12 domestic companies and 44 overseas companies of Sumitomo Riko Group
*2 Scope of data on raw material input: Sumitomo Riko and major consolidated subsidiaries

Breakdown of Raw Materials (sustainable and recycled materials)

Environmental Performance Data by Region

 Item Unit Japan Americas Europe China Asia Total Related Pages
Energy Consumption Million GJ/year 1.74 1.59 0.65 1.26 0.80 6.04 Responding to Climate Change
GHG Emissions Thousand t-CO2eq/year 81.3 63.7  17.8  79.5 49.5 291.7
Waste Discharge Thousand t/year 8.2 9.9 4.5 2.5 2.5 27.6 Contributing to a Resource-Recycling Society
Water Consumption Million m3/year 1.54 0.43 0.73 0.61 0.43 3.76 Responding to Water Risks
*1 The scope of data includes Sumitomo Riko and its major consolidated subsidiaries. Please refer to the "Responding to Climate Change" page for the scope of energy consumption and GHG emissions.

Breakdown of Energy Consumption by Sumitomo Riko Group

Energy Type Amount Used (TJ)
Electricity 4,315
City gas 1,181
LNG 78
LPG 144
Propane gas 5
Heavy oil A 0.3
Heavy oil C 0.5
Diesel oil 12
Kerosene 0.3
Gasoline 0.7
Steam 304
Cold water 0.5
Hot water 0.5
Total 6,041

GHG emissions in Scope 1, 2, and 3

  FY 2023 Calculation Method
Scope1 Scope1 total   74 energy consumption by energy type x emission factor *1
Scope2 Scope2 total Market-based 217 energy consumption by type x emission factor *1 and 2
Location-based 241
Scope3 Category 1 Purchased goods and services 1,794 amount of raw materials procured by item (weight) x emission factor (average data)*3
amount of parts procured by item (value) x emission factor (data collected from suppliers)
Category 2 Capital goods 99 capital investment x emission factor per capital goods price (average data)*4
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 and 2 84 energy consumption by type x emission factor (average data)*3
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 23 activity by mode of transport (ton-kilometers) x emission factor (average data)*4
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 9 waste weight by treatment method x emission factor (average data)*4
Category 6 Business travel 3 number of employees x emission factor (average data)*4
Category 7 Employee commuting 12 number of employees x number of working days x emission factor by type of work and city category (average data)*4
Category 8 Upstream leased assets 0  (Because emissions from leased assets are included in scope 1 and 2)
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution 1 product shipments where our company is not the shipper (value) x emission factor (own scenario)
Category 10 Processing of sold products 103 amount of product shipped (value) x emission factor (own scenario)
Category 11 Use of sold products 1,307 product weight x emission factor by vehicle drive source*5
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products 9 product weight x emission factor by waste type (average data)*4
Category 13 Downstream leased assets 0  (Because there are no leased assets to be covered)
Category 14 Franchises -  (Because we do not engage in franchise business)
Category 15 Investments -  (Because we are not in the investment or financial business)
Scope3 total   3,444  
Total(Scope1+2+3)     3,735  
(Thousand t-CO2eq)
The emission intensity databases used are as follows:
*1 "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" and "Act on Rationalizing Energy Use (Energy Conservation Law)", Japan
*2 "Emissions Factors 2022", IEA
*3 "LCI Database IDEA v3.4", National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
*4 "Emissions intensity database for calculating greenhouse gas emissions of organizations through supply chains (Ver. 3.4)", Ministry of the Environment, Japan
*5 "JAPIA LCI Calculation Guidelines Second Edition," Japan Auto Parts Industries Association (JAPIA)

Environmental Investments

Investment in Environmental Conservation Economic Benefits (Millions of yen) Environmental Conservation Benefits
Item Key Challenges (Millions of yen)
Local environmental conservation Water pollution prevention, etc. 15 Improved air and water quality
Global environmental conservation Global warming prevention, etc. 166  89*1 Reduction of GHG emissions
Total 181 89  
*1 Reductions due to GHG reduction activities ×Average unit cost of GHGs calculated from energy costs

Environmental Data of Each Plant

Komaki Plant
  Measurement Item Unit Regulatory
Actual performance values
Air quality
(Main facilities)
Boiler exhaust gas Soot and dust g/Nm3  0.05 <0.004 <0.004 <0.004
Sulfur oxides K-value 9.0 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02
Nitrogen oxide concentration*1 ppm 600 140 67 94
Water quality Discharged water Hydrogen ion concentration pH 5.8〜8.6 7.7 7.2 7.5
Biochemical oxygen demand mg/L 25 3.4 0.9 2.0
Suspended solids mg/L 30 9 2 4
n-Hexane extracted substances mg/L 5 <1 <1 <1
Amount of PRTR substances (discharged/transferred) t/Year 133/6.5
Applicable Laws and Regulations: Air Pollution Control Law, Water Pollution Control Law, Aichi prefectural ordinance
*1 Nitrogen oxide concentration (NOx) regulatory standard have been changed because CGS data is included.
Matsusaka Plant
  Measurement Item Unit


Actual performance values
Air quality
(Main facilities)
Boiler exhaust gas Soot and dust g/Nm3 0.10 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005
Sulfur oxides K-value 17.5 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Nitrogen oxide concentration ppm 150 38 22 28
Water quality Discharged water Hydrogen ion concentration pH 5.8~8.6 7.3 6.9 7.1
Biochemical oxygen demand mg/L 130 57 6 35
Suspended solids mg/L 130 9 1 5
n-Hexane extracted substances mg/L 5 5 1 3
Amount of PRTR substances (discharged/transferred) t/Year 71.8/22.2
Applicable Laws and Regulations: Air Pollution Control Law, Water Pollution Control Law, Mie prefectural ordinance
Fuji-Susono Plant
  Measurement Item Unit Regulatory
Actual performance values
Air quality
(Main facilities)
Boiler exhaust gas Soot and dust g/Nm3 0.10  <0.01  <0.01  <0.01
Sulfur oxides Not applicable for gas-fired boilers only
Nitrogen oxide concentration ppm 150 <10 <10 <10
Water quality Discharged water Hydrogen ion concentration pH 5.8~8.6 7.7 7 7.4
Biochemical oxygen demand mg/L 25 9.1 0.7 2.4
Suspended solids mg/L 50 2.0 1.0 1.3
n-Hexane extracted substances mg/L 5 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5
Amount of PRTR substances (discharged/transferred) t/Year 0/2.0
Applicable Laws and Regulations: Air Pollution Control Law, Water Pollution Control Law, Shizuoka prefectural ordinance
Saitama Plant
There are no emission facilities that fall under the Air Pollution Control Law or the Water Pollution Control Law, and there is no emission or transfer of PRTR substances.

ISO14001 Certification Status (list of certified companies)

Location Trade Name Abbreviated
Japan Sumitomo Riko Company Limited
SumiRiko Yamagata Company Limited SRK-YG Under planning
Tokai Chemical Industries, Ltd. TCI
Sumitomo Riko Hosetex, Ltd.
SumiRiko Metex Company Limited SRK-M
SumiRiko Engineering Company Limited SRK-E
SumiRiko Creates Company Limited SRK-C
SumiRiko Logitech Company Limited SRK-L
SumiRiko Information Systems Company Limited SRK-IS
SumiRiko Oita Advanced Elastomer Company Limited SRK-AE
SumiRiko Kyushu Company Limited SRK-K
Tokai Chemical Kyushu, Ltd. TCIK
Americas USA SumiRiko Ohio, Inc. SRK-OH
SumiRiko Tennessee, Inc. SRK-TN
Mexico S-Riko Automotive Hose de Chihuahua, S.A.P.I. de C.V. SRK-CHH
S-Riko de Querétaro, S.A.P.I. de C.V. SRK-QRO
Brazil SumiRiko do Brasil Indústria de Borrachas Ltda. SRK-BI
S Riko Automotive Hose do Brasil Ltda. SRK-HDB
S Riko Automotive Hose Tecalon Brasil S.A. SRK-HTB
Europe and Africa Poland SumiRiko Poland Sp. z o.o. SRK-P
SumiRiko Automotive Hose Poland Sp. z o.o. SRK-HP Under planning
Germany SumiRiko AVS Germany GmbH SRK-GER
Czech Republic SumiRiko AVS Czech s.r.o. SRK-CZ
France SumiRiko Rubber Compounding France S.A.S. SRK-RCF
SumiRiko SD France S.A.S. SRK-SDF
Romania SumiRiko AVS Romania SRL SRK-RO
Italy SumiRiko Italy S.p.A. SRK-ITA
Spain SumiRiko AVS Spain S.A.U. SRK-ES
Turkey SumiRiko Hose Otomotiv Sanayi Ticaret ve Pazarlama Limited Şirketi  SRK-HTR
Tunisia SumiRiko Automotive Hose Tunisia Sarl SRK-HTN
SumiRiko Metal Tube Tunisia Sarl SRK-MTT
Asia China Tokai Dalian Hose Co., Ltd. TRD
Tokai Rubber (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. TRT
Tokai Chemical (Tianjin) Auto Parts Co., Ltd. TCT
Huanyu Tokai Rubber (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. HTR
SumiRiko Automotive Suzhou Co., Ltd. SRK-SZ
Tokai TIP Automobile parts (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. TTAS
Tokai Rubber (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. TRJ
Tokai Rubber (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. TRG
Tokai Rubber (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. TRDG
India Tokai Imperial Rubber India Pvt. Ltd. TIR
Tokai Rubber Auto-Parts India Pvt. Ltd. TRIN
Tokai Imperial Hydraulics India Pvt. Ltd. TIH Under planning
Vietnam SumiRiko Hose Vietnam Co., Ltd. SRK-HV
SumiRiko Vietnam Co., Ltd. SRK-V
Thailand SumiRiko Eastern Rubber (Thailand) Ltd. SRK-ER
Inoac Tokai (Thailand) Co., Ltd. ITTC
SumiRiko Rubber Compounding (Thailand) Ltd. SRK-RCT
SumiRiko Chemical and Plastic Products (Thailand) Ltd. SRK-CP
SumiRiko Fine Elastomer (Thailand) Ltd. SRK-FT
Indonesia PT. Tokai Rubber Indonesia TRID
PT. Tokai Rubber Auto Hose Indonesia TRHI
*This table is as of March 31, 2024.


JP Tower Nagoya 1-1-1, Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 450-6316, Japan
Access map

Komaki Head

1, Higashi 3-chome, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-8550, Japan
Access map