Diversity Management



Message from the Officer in Charge

Hideo Yamane
Director and Senior Managing Executive Officer
The Sumitomo Riko Group states in its Management Philosophy that it will "Foster an invigorating corporate culture that respects our employees' diversity, personal qualities, and individuality." We recognize the promotion of diversity and inclusion (hereinafter referred to as D&I) as the foundation of its management, aiming to "create a workplace where everyone can demonstrate their abilities." Currently, approximately 80% of all employees work outside of Japan, making the promotion and implementation of D&I increasingly important.
Our D&I promotion structure began with the establishment of the Diversity Committee in 2015 as a subcommittee of the CSR Committee (now the CSR Sustainability Committee), followed by the establishment of the Diversity Promotion Office in the Human Resources Division in 2016 as a specialized organization. Since then, the Diversity Promotion Section and the D&I Group of the Planning Section have been reorganized to promote activities from a company-wide, group-wide, and global perspective, while keeping a close eye on social trends, and gathering the opinions of employees. We will continue to accelerate our efforts to create a workplace and corporate culture in which each and every employee, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age, educational background, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability, is respected and can play an active role on the world stage with fulfillment, in order to promote D&I aggressively.
We hope that all of our stakeholders will understand our efforts regarding human resources and D&I, and we look forward to your continued support in the future.

Approach to Diversity Management

The Sumitomo Riko Group Management Philosophy proclaims, "We will foster an invigorating corporate culture that respects our employees' diversity, personal qualities, and individuality." The Group engages in D&I promotion activities to create an environment in which people from diverse backgrounds can work with vigor and enthusiasm.

The Sumitomo Riko Group’s Diversity Logo

The establishment of a dedicated logo symbolizes the Sumitomo Riko Group’s efforts to promote D&I. As a symbol of Sumitomo Riko’s active engagement in diversity, this logo expresses our determination to unite in the creation of things of value through connections between people and links between diverse individuality.

D&I Promotion Structure

At Sumitomo Riko, the Human Resources Department Planning Section D&I Group takes the lead in establishing specific systems and improving the internal environment in cooperation and collaboration with the CSR Promotion Office and the Human Resources Development Department.

Medium-term Vision, Achievements, and Challenges Related to D&I

Mid-term vision

Sumitomo Riko has set the following goals in the 2029 Sumitomo Riko Group Vision (2029V), targeting "Providing training opportunities to promote individual growth and fostering a corporate culture full of job satisfaction."
Goals for 2029 (Public Value and Corporate Value)
  1. Engagement: By increasing empathy for the management philosophy and vision, build an autonomous relationship between employees and the company, where employees choose the company and are chosen by the company.
  2. D&I: Ensure that a diverse workforce can work with confidence and continue to create new value.

Priority Action Items and Results for FY2023 and Challenges for FY2024

Themes FY 2023 Priority Action Item Achievements FY 2024 Priority Action Item
Promotion of diverse human resource’s activities 30% female employment rate 23.0% (March 2024) Continue to maintain 30% female employment rate
Promotion of employment of persons with disabilities
(Statutory employment rate: 2.30%)
・2.81% (March 2024, 3 special subsidiaries applied) Target achieved
・Continued to accept 5 employees on secondment from the special subsidiary "SumiRiko Joyful Company Limited”
Promotion of employment of persons with disabilities
(2.5% of the legally mandated employment rate)
Work Style Reform Identification and analysis of actual conditions for a good working environment Questionnaires and roundtable discussions were held for young employees under 30 years old to gather opinions on job satisfaction, balancing work and childcare, and promotion and advancement of women.
*Survey: 524 participants
 Roundtable discussion: 69 participants
Analyze the current situation with the target of improving "job satisfaction" and consider and implement measures based on the results of the analysis
Ongoing development of support systems for balancing work with childcare and nursing care responsibilities, etc. Care Establishment of a free consultation service directly accessible to outside specialists (Number of calls received in FY2023 : 1) Ongoing development of a system to support both work and family life and spreading understanding of the concept
Childcare ・Held a lecture for managers and supervisors on promoting male employees to take childcare leave : 84% of participants answered that they would "actively encourage" their male employees to take childcare leave. Ongoing development of a system to support both work and family life and spreading understanding of the concept
Raising awareness and fostering a culture Information Distribution ・Information distribution in the company newsletter "Mitsukumi"
・D&I information distribution in HR News
・Seminar Information distribution on the in-house website "G. Portal"
Continue to distribute information
Educational activities at various trainings ・Conducted D&I training at training sessions by job level
・Held "Life Plan Seminar" for employees approaching retirement age
 110 employees aged 55-59 participated
・Continuation of educational activities on D&I at training sessions by job level
・Participation in the Sumitomo Electric Group Women's Forum "SWING
・Organize "Life Plan Seminars


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