We ascertain the direction of the times, market needs and what kind of products customers wish to make and anticipate environment of use and method of use. We will clarify what kind of characteristic value is required as a material and determine the target characteristics.
Rubber, Resin, Urethane, Coating
Dispersion Control
We think about how to mix the raw materials determined by the compounding design. We optimize the control points for compounding including, mixing method, order, timing, time, and temperature, and aim to achieve the target characteristics while controlling the mixing method and allocation of all raw materials.
Molecule Design
If it is difficult to achieve the planned characteristic value of the market raw materials, we “synthesize” or “modify” the raw material and create an original high performance material.
Synthesis: Combining raw materials to generate a different raw material (E.g. A+B= new C)
Modification: Changing the nature of the raw material (E.g. A→A')