Celebrating its 90th anniversary on December 20, 2019, Sumitomo Riko was founded in Yokkaichi-shi, Mie, and it has grown and developed with the motorization of Japan by entering the automotive anti-vibration rubber business in 1954.
We have created a global production system centered in Japan with net sales reaching 206.3 billion yen in Japan, 147.3 billion yen in the Americas, 189.5 billion yen in Asia, and 61.3 billion yen in Europe and others.
84companies in
We are developing products and maintaining supply systems at five different axes around the world in order to establish ourselves as a global systems supplier. We currently do business in more than 20 countries worldwide.
Our human resource policy is based on “respecting diversity”, “the right person for the job” and “promoting human resources development” for employees with diverse backgrounds to make use of their strengths and contribute to the development of business throughout the entire Sumitomo Riko Group. We promote diversity management throughout the world without solely relying on Japan.
CO2 Emissions
VOC Emissions
Waste Emissions
Sumitomo Riko has developed an environmental management system in keeping with our Sumitomo Riko Group Management Philosophy, “We will strive to protect the global environment and to contribute to creating better communities.”
We not only try to reduce environmental impact and risks in our business activities, we also actively develop environmentally-friendly products and technologies which comply with environmental regulations to further increase our corporate value.
Percentage of Female Employees in Management Positions
Ratio of Females Employed
(Non-consolidated basis)
At Sumitomo Riko, our goal is to ensure that at least 30% of our total recruitment is composed of female employees.
We have improved our child and family care support program to enable our female employees to feel secure in their employment after recruitment. We also provide internal and external networking and elective training events for female employees to further their career.
Global Share for
rubber for automobiles
(Top global share)*
Global Share for
Automotive Hoses
(Top domestic share)*
*Shares are both estimates by Sumitomo Riko
We are the world’s top supplier of anti-vibration rubber that reduces vibration and noise caused by the engine and road surface. We are also proud to be the world’s top supplier of hoses which are prized for their technology that combines rubber and resins.
types used
per one vehicle
Polymer Materials Technology
“Polymer Materials Technology” enables us to create highly functional materials through the use of complex synthesizing, modifying and compounding technologies. Since the founding of Sumitomo Riko, we have accumulated a development capability for us to customize a range of materials and respond to the needs of our customers through the advancement of this technology.
Comprehensive Evaluation Technology
Sumitomo Riko’s "Comprehensive Evaluation Technology" enables us to evaluate and verify nanostructure and particle level analysis at the time of material development through to the performance of actual products at the time of product development. This technology also enables us to anticipate the needs of our customers and propose ‘one step ahead’ solutions.
We also make various products which help to build a society which is safe, secure, comfortable and environmentally friendly across the four fields of "Automotive (Mobility)", "Infrastructure and Housing environment", "Electronics", and "Healthcare".
Charging Rollers
Printers and
Window Films with
Transparency, Reflecting and
Insulating Against
Heat "Refleshine"
Seismic Control
Wooden Houses
"TRC Damper"
SR Active Mattress
"Taiatsu Bunsan Friend"
Industrial Hoses
Water-washable Flexographic
Printing Plates
We also make various products which help to build a society which is safe, secure, comfortable and environmentally friendly across the four fields of "Automotive (Mobility)", "Infrastructure and Housing environment", "Electronics", and "Healthcare".
*Created based on figures as of FY2023 or December of 2024