Sumitomo Riko

Compliance Consultation and Reporting Service

1.Regarding the Contact Office

If you become aware of any violation of laws and regulations or any non-compliance issues or actions concerning the Sumitomo Riko Group, please contact Sumitomo Riko Compliance Committee Speak-up & Whistleblowing report contact. Based on the content of the consultation or report, our Compliance Committee and relevant personnel will investigate the matter and take appropriate action or measures when necessary.

2.Requests for consultation and reporting

  • ・In order for us to conduct an accurate investigation, please provide us with as many details as possible, such as when and where the incident or act you are reporting occurred, who was involved, how you learned about it, and why you think it happened.

  • ・Sumitomo Riko Compliance Committee Speak-up & Whistleblowing report contact will use information regarding the person who submitted the consultation/report and its contents only for the purpose of investigating and responding to the consultation/report, and will not disclose such information to anyone other than those who need to investigate and respond to the consultation/report.

  • ・In order for us to inquire about the content of your consultation or report and to provide you with the necessary information, we ask that you provide us with your name and contact information (telephone number and e-mail address) in principle. You may consult or report anonymously, but if you do so, we may not be able to conduct an adequate investigation or may be limited in the scope of our response.

  • ・Please refrain from contacting us with content that is clearly not related to Sumitomo Riko Group's compliance, slander or libel, or for any other improper purpose.

  • ・In principle, consultations and reports concerning companies in which Sumitomo Riko holds 50% or less of the capital (including indirect investment) are not covered by this consultation/reporting service.
  • Sumitomo Riko Compliance Committee Speak-up & Whistleblowing report contact

Fill out the following items.
Do not use any special symbols or characters (including circled numerals, etc.).

This inquiry form is only use for Compliance Consultation and Reporting Service. We strictly refuse any posts with content that is libelous or defamatory of any individual or organization, or that is intended for advertising, promotional purposes, questionnaires, or sales purposes.
Even if we receive those posts, we will not reply.

For other inquiries, please click here.

Types of inquiry Compliance Consultation / Whistleblowing 
Your name

*Anonymity is permitted, but in order to ensure that we can fully investigate and respond to your report, please provide as much information as possible. In the case of an anonymous contact, we may not be able to adequately investigate or respond to your inquiry. Please understand this in advance.

Company/Organization nameRequired

*If you are not affiliated with a company or organization, please enter "None".

Types of Company/OrganizationRequired
Address CountryRequired
Building/Street address and city/State or province
ZIP code
Telephone number

*Please fill in as much as possible so that we can fully investigate, respond and report our findings.

Fax number
Email address

*Please fill in as much as possible so that we can fully investigate, respond and report our findings.

*Confirm that there are no mistakes as responses will be sent to this address.

Content of consultation Required

*In order for us to fully investigate and respond, please provide us with as many detailed facts as possible, including when and where it happened, who is involved, how you learned about it, and why you think it happened.

Please refer to our "Personal Information Protection Policy"
for our handling of personal information.

Personal Information Protection Policy